Tuesday, 2 March 2010

This Weeks Opening.

Capturing the Essence
Colour,Emotion and Technique
Spring Exhibition 5th - 15th March 2010
Market Street Gallery, Hampshire, UK


Yesterday I visited the Market Street Gallery to see my latest paintings framed for my show which opens on Thursday evening this week for the Private Preview. I have selected paintings for cards from the collection which will be on sale at the gallery  and now all the arrangements are in place apart from the hanging which I will see before the show opens.

I had a lovely email from a new artist recently who mentioned how nervous they were before their private preview which took place recently.They asked me if the feeling ever got easier. It would be very interesting to hear other artists views on this subject.

My reply was " No,it  doesn't get easier and in many ways it gets worse!"

But thats a good thing. If you aren't nervous there are many reasons behind your feelings but the worst has to be feeling  you are so brilliant you have nothing to worry about. Maybe though  you are so experienced at showing and you can take for granted the outcome of the event. Or know  you are going to be successful and popular which means you have reached the end of your learning to where you can possibly be as an artist.

I never want to wear the hat of "I am so fantastic everyone is lucky to see anything I paint!"

I want the nerves, the expectations, the fear of feedback and the overwhelming joy if it is wonderful. These elements are all part of exhibiting. Then taking on board every single thing others say absorbing good advise to help you grow. Absorbing wonderful feedback and  considering why a painting was enjoyed.

Everything helps you become a far better artist. The good and the bad . And the nerves!

.As you grow as an artist  expectations for each show are higher. From yourself as the artist, from the gallery, from collectors and from all visitors who may have seen your work before or  who carry  expectations of what they will be seeing. If you take your art seriously you want  others to recognise the evolvement in your art journey. My first solo exhibition was very different in standard to the art I am displaying now. I have grown so much but that is another entry  for my blog and  a discussion I will share at another time.

This week I will find it hard to settle until I have seen the paintings hung and the Private Preview has  passed.

So to the wonderfully enthusiastic artist who asked me if I get nervous before an opening, the answer is a  resounding YES! Whether it is a large or small show my work is out there for all to see and I will gradually start feeling that mixture of excitement and sheer fear as the opening draws nearer. And laugh at myself  for doing so!

Please say Hello if you are coming to the opening, by now  from my blog you must realise I am a very  warm personality who holds a very strong passion for watercolour so it will honestly be my pleasure to meet you. Please contact the gallery directly for further information  on the event and preview details.


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