Saturday, 3 April 2010

Rose Centres in Watercolour.

Rose Centre in Watercolour
Original Study by Jean Haines

Following on from yesterdays introduction to painting roses in my technique and loose style I have started my studio session today with a simple wash of  a rose centre on a scrap of paper.

Each morning before I start on my main pieces I usually paint up to six small studies of a chosen subject. I was once told by an amazing master that it is only when you can capture the subject without being restricted by what is actually there that you can truly paint. Opening your mind to creating from your artist spirit within is a fantastic feeling.

I have thought about the rose centres in yesterdays post entry and  worked from there. I am not racing to paint a whole flower  or composition. I am simply enjoying what happens when I  place pigment on damp paper allowing it to radiate from the main focal point which is the centre of a single rose in this study.

Of course I can work further and add leaves if I wish but isn't this beautiful just as it is? It leaves the viewer begging for more. It leads the imagination to asking for leaves to be added, for more defintion of the petals along with a positive definite outer shape to ease the eye into seeing  the rose as a whole.

But just by asking these questions we are admitting we are really looking at this painting.We are  mentally working out what is missing and what works without it. We are thinking and yet with so little information we all know it is a rose.

I will enjoy it as it is for some time before I even consider the next stages if there are to be any.
That is the magic of watercolour and working in a loose style!



  1. Happy happy Easter Jean and thank you for another wonderful gift,I can almost smell them.Roses are one of my favourite flowers and I am about to start and practice,and I certainly will donate to Cancer Charity.

  2. Thank you so much Cheryl. I have had a few wonderful messages from others who are going to donate too and I am so thrilled.It is simple to watch and enjoy but taking time to give to a charity as well is something so many appreciate. Via our brushstrokes we are doing so much more than just painting!

    See you soon,



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