Friday 25 February 2011

"Amazing Ways With Watercolour" New DVD

2011, A Great Year!
" How to Paint Colour and Light in Watercolour"
My first book which was launched at the Mall Galleries in London last year during the Society for Women Artists Annual Exhibition 2010. Available from Search Press,SAA Society for All Artists along with  my SAA DVD, and other retail outlets.

Following my first book in watercolour so much has been happening especially this year.

My new DVD with Town House Films will be available from 31st March 2011 and is called 

" Amazing Ways With Watercolour"

The title evolved because when my paintings evolve the comment " That's amazing!" seems to be said quite a lot for some reason!

You can read about this DVD and  find details of how to order from the following link........

What an exciting year I am having!

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