Friday 25 February 2011

Painting Dogs in a Loose Style Workshop 2011

Yesterdays life inspiration for my painting dogs in watercolour workshop 

Creating  the emotion behind the " Painting Dogs in a Loose Style"  workshop.

What a fantastic week. I  held three one day watercolour workshops  with different themes and travelled to Chichester for a charity event hosted by Raymond Blanc where one of my paintings raised a four figure bid for the Lady Taverners Charity.

Yesterday the weeks events closed with my " How to Paint Dogs in a Loose Style" workshop and a surprise visit was secretly planned from a little puppy called Carys. They arrived absolutely on cue during the opening introduction about painting with emotion . When we paint pets there is often more than just placement of colour in successful results.There is a connection or bond with the animal we are trying to capture and often a strong senese of emotion involved. To bring that feeling to life into  the paintings and to get my point across as strongly as I knew how Christine who manages my administration and workshos bookings brought in her wonderfully sweet little puppy Carys.

The whole group were immediately smitten with the tiny bundle with such amazing eyes. After touching Carys and a  her having a few cuddles it was on with the workshops. Now  everyone was in a really eager  mood to capture pets on paper and wow , there were some wonderful dogs in the room all day!

I have returned to my studio,unpacked my car and  feel absolutely desperate to now paint without stopping to demonstrate or explain my thought process.

I am certain everyone this week had a fabulous time because no one seemed too eager to leave and neither was I to be fair. I am so inspired from the last three days that paintings I am sure are going to flow off my brush!

Next week is going to be exciting too but I think I will save that news for another blog entry!

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