Saturday 5 February 2011

Beating The Winter Blues 2011

Beating the Winter Blues

"Tumbling Bacopa"

Wandering around my garden the terracotta pots and urns look quite sad at the moment . They are waiting to be replanted with new beautiful summer annuals. I There is a favourite little flower I plant every year to create a fascinating break up of larger pot plants such as geraniums. Against the red of their blooms the small white bacopa forms a sensational backdrop as a mass of small white flowers tumble  from the pots. But of  course it is winter now so painting the bacopa in blues rather than gorgeous warm summer shades is a wonderful option and break from "normality".

The more frequently I paint flowers the more I become fascinated with their form. This is my favourite section within the painting of Bacopa. The small flowers are so pretty and their shapes pleasing to my artists eye. But I feel I may move to another subject soon as this week has been almost completely floral in my studio!

 Favourite Section within the Painting of Bacopa.


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