Friday 4 February 2011

Colour Awakening

Coming Alive With Colour

"Texture Effects in Watercolour"

I am exploring colour effects in watercolour and simply working minus any form of  subject definition. How each experiment begins is definitely effected by my mood and emotions. Still with my many paintings of primroses fresh in mind  I set about working with  a mixture of vibrant yellow and golds. Each time allowing the pigments to flow into blue sections but with more control than I would usually allow myself.

Interestingly I had just fed the fish in our pond when I played with this colour study so my imagination is leading me to an idea of a goldfish painting. But fish as a subject has already been painted so many times all over the world by so many artists already. So this idea is almost less appealing to me.
Isn't it strange how working in a technique that lends itself to unique results can lead you away from the most popular of subjects. Or maybe that is an obvious outcome!  I enjoy being led into realms of adventure with outcomes that appear to be totally new.

If I ever decide to take the road to painting Koi Carp they will probably now be very abstract and totally unrecognisable as fish. Unless the viewer of the finished painting has read my blog!


1 comment:

  1. hi jean ...this one might be completely inverted in a few weeks time ... fantastic glow appearing.


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