Thursday 3 February 2011

Working With Colour

Working With Colour


Working with colour alone with no subject to define sets new challenges. This is a move to a more abstract form of painting and as such some could feel this may be a simple task.  However in many ways it is far more difficult to achieve a result that is exciting and pleasing to the eye.

I have been experimenting with some vibrant colour combinations and texture effects for my second book. Many results to me looked flat, boring and held that sense of "I've seen it before ". But suddenly something new happened in my mind and now my imagination is unleashing many possibilities for future ideas. I believe it is this spark of excitement that keeps my work very fresh and my enthusiasm very high.The constant search for something new with that extra "something".  

Je ne sais pas!


  1. it does not surprise me that you are turning a corner and slipping effortlessly into abstract form. I know that you will continue to produce beautiful things, and I will continue to watch and admire

  2. it does not surprise me that you are turning a corner and slipping effortlessly into abstract form. I know that you will continue to produce beautiful things, and I will continue to watch and admire

  3. This is a beautiful painting.
    It's interesting to think that Kandinsky (recognised as the first truly abstract painter) was often trying to represent something in his apparent early abstracts.
    Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’


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