Thursday 21 July 2011

July Challenge 2011: Painting White?

July Challenge 2011 
No. 2.
Painting White Subjects.

Image 1.

I have receeved some fantastic emails  forwarding paintings from my initial July Watercolour Challenge that I shared here on my blog purely for fun. I had no idea it would create so much interest. So a huge thank you to everyone who has given the still life oif Cosmos Daisies a lease of life as your own  beautiful paintings.

While I am in my studio writing it is wonderful to take a break and link up with other artists on my blog so here goes with a new challenge! I will share my favourite result on my blog next week as this is also a terrifc way to direct readers of my blog to other sites and share our passion for watercolour.

Now that I know there is interest in projects I will share a few occasionally here when I see subjects that excite me and tempt my brushes.


Beware, there are a few tasks included in this challenge!

Task 1. Choose an image from the two in this post. That's the easy bit!
Task 2.  Paint white flowers in a way that you feel would be unique and interesting
Task 3. Finally paint your flowers so they have a feeling of life and movement about them.
This may be a still life but it doesn't have to appear wooden!

I will look at  the paintings that are sent to me and share one favourite on my blog next week along with giving my view on why I liked it so much.

Whilst I am choosing floral subjects  for Summer this will rapdily change in future challenges!

Everyone is welcome to join in so please encourage your freinds to participate and let's have summer fun!


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