Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Working With Summer: July 2011

Working With Summer: July 2011
Heavy rain has made painting in my garden impossible today. I had hoped to sit and paint sweet pea but alas this was not to be. I am trying to avoid painting in my studio as I am working with natural light as much as possible for the experiments I am including in my next book.

As I sat and typed an intriguing chapter that has me spellbound to my computer and easel I noticed the rain outside had briefly stopped. Sure enough, the sun was making an attempt to shine. I quickly picked up my board, paper and palette and sat on the steps outside my studio. Here I have an old terracotta pot and nasturtians are making their way around it. I use the flowers in salads for decoration and to eat.

Experimental nasturtians in watercolour.

I must admit there is nothing better to beat the grey skies of  an awful rainy day  than to work in vibrant glowing oranges. I carried on with the theme from my earlier poppy painting by adding clingfilm for texture around the blossoms. I hastily carried the piece inside to study when the heavy rain began again.

This was a very quick play with pigment but I thoroughly enjoyed the break from typing!

"Nasturtians" waiting for central detail and leaf additions.
When the rain stops!


  1. Looks gorgeous... glad you took a break from typing... and shared your painting with us.

  2. Jean: Me encantan tus flores, tienen tu toque personal muy característico, Te felicito por estos meses agitados de trabajo y exposiciones y te agradezco por mantenernos en contacto con tus pinturas. Fantásticos tus lavados de sweet Pea. Hoy en Argentina festejamos el "día del amigo". Que tengas un muy feliz día. Grace

  3. Grace,thank you so much. The sweet pea really are my favourite now and your message is really appreciated,thank you,Jean


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