July Challenge 2011
I am really thrilled with the wonderful paintings forwarded to me for my July Challenge 2011 of painting white daisies. I wasn't expecting many artists to respond so I was happily amazed seeing such fabulous inspirational pieces. Anyone who knows me well will understand that, for me art isn't solely about what I paint or achieve. My life is about others and how they are inspired. I strongly believe we can only grow as artists if we share our techniques and learn from artists of all levels.
It is so wonderful to share a watercolour on my blog that is not painted by me!
Favourite Challenge Painting No. 1.
This is a favourite painting that came to me this week. Painted by Grace. I love this result so much because she has caught the texture of the raggedy petals so exquisitely. I love the main flower looking at the side of the page. The centre of this flower was a real nightmare to work with as the petals leaning over it in the foreground set a challenge all of their own! I also love the smaller flower underneath just peeping upwards to be noticed.
White Daisies from my July Challenge
Painted by Grace
There ius a fabulous sense of colour harmony throughout the ocmposition by clever use of a limited palette. And there is also a very subtle feeling of movement,as if the wind could blow these flowers and they would softly sway in the breeze.
I think it is wonderful.
How about you?
Thank you so much Grace for participating with my July challenge. I loved your daisies as you can see!
Thank you very much for your comment, it was a surprise to me and I could not stop cry from happiness. I am very excited and is a true honor to have my painting has elected am a faithful follower and admirer of your work. This weekend will be really special and unforgettable for me. Pardon my poor English. From Argentina. Grace
Hello Grace, I am absolutely thrilled you are so happy to see your painting shared here. I really love the way you have caught the raggedy effect of the petals.Well done!
Jean it has been soooooooo wetand gloomy here in West Aussie today. So thanks to you I put a HUGE smile on my face.....& let the magic of the brushes start to sing.....Thanks
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