Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Atmospheric Watercolours

Atmospheric Watercolours

I have recieved so many emails from readers of my latest book "Atmospheric Watercolours" and truly wish I had the time to  share some of the amazing comments from very kind buyers who have shared how much my book has meant to them.

I am honestly completely overwhelmed by the enthusiasm,interest and obvious excitement held in  many of the messages.

Thank you so much to everyone who has written to me because at the moment I am pulling ideas together for my next publication and your worsd right now mean so very much to me.

A HUGE thank you from this very happy artist!


If you have yet to buy a copy you can find "Atmospheric Watercolours" from many online sources.

This is a great site for purchasing ,  via this link.


  1. Got your book today and am trying to not open it until Friday, when I have the house to myself all day. Had a quick look and love already what little I saw. Thank you for sharing your world

  2. Thank you for the link, Jean! I've been wanting to buy your book but had problems finding it! thanks!


  3. WooHoo...I got it ordered and can't wait for it to get here! ~ Paula

  4. Jean, I just have to tell you, I finally got my copy of your book, and I am just blown away! I am only just getting into it, but my goodness, there are not enough words to express the joy and appreciation I have for you and this book! I truly was touched by the personal story you shared from childhood, and related to it so well. And there is so much inspiration and passion in your book, and more technique in the first chapter alone than most books have in the whole thing!
    I plan to review the book on my blog for my readers - hope that's okay. Thanks again!
    Paula ~


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