Saturday, 30 March 2013

"Bring Me Sunshine"

Bring Me Sunshine

Everyone is disappointed with the long spell of cold weather that has hit England this year.Day after day we have woken to freezing temperatures. It feels as though the sun has gone on holiday during the Winter months and forgotten to return for Spring.

Which is exactly why I painted with glorious yellows in the above painting "Bring Me Sunshine", feeling the warmth of sunshine on my back when I painted the banks of golden rudbeckia that danced in breezes in my cottage garden from my memory of last years lazy,hazy days.

This piece made me feel fantastic when I painted it. It has energy, a feeling of  casual freedom and joy in every section. I danced whilst I created it, adding each brushstroke with a huge smile on my face. When the painting was complete I dreaded leaving it because that feeling of happiness it carried brought a glow into my studio that would be missed once it  left for the framers.

But the joy returned when I saw it framed and hanging in my solo exhibition at the Wey Gallery in Godalming. What has been even more fantastic is the brilliant feedback from visitors to the show who all say it really does feel like a burst of sunshine.

Some paintings DO make you feel great.This one did!

Details of my exhibition at the Wey Gallery can be found via this link.

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