Saturday, 30 March 2013

Hoppy Easter

Harry O' Hare

This year really  is flying! I have had some wonderful emails letting me know how much my blog is enjoyed and I am so grateful to everyone who has sent them. I am very aware my life is changing. When I look back at last year I still had time to share online regularly. And participate in several art society exhibitions. This year is very different as my free time gets less and less. I do remember one professional artist telling me a long time ago that if I have time to "talk" about painting online, I am not painting enough offline. And I laughed. But to be honest they were right.

I find my time in my studio is all about creating whether its painting for a gallery or for my new book. I know the hand in dates for society shows but I also know I don't have the work to spare as I have gallery exhibitions lined up. I am working on each collection quietly ensuring the subjects are varied.

I think there comes a time as a Professional Artist when you have to stand back and ask yourself what you want from your career, study where you are and plan ahead. I also realise there is such limited wall space in each society exhibition where new emerging artists would give anything to see their art. So in a way it feels almost selfish to take that space when the goal of showing is often to get recognised and into a gallery. Which I already am. So I am taking this year to solely focus on my gallery collections and my new book.

At the same time in my workshops I am encouraging everyone to submit for society shows because it is an experience that rewards you in so many ways. If you get rejected you need to consider why and move on. Please bear in mind it often isn't because your work isn't good enough. Its'  sometimes purely based on the amount of wall space available in each show. But do give yourself a new goal each year and aim to reach it. Then look back each Easter and see where you have been and  think about where you are going.

Spring is that time to energise and make the most of everything coming to life around you.Your art could be too!

Have a fabulous Easter !


"Harry O Hare" is at the Wey Gallery in Godalming as an unframed piece in the browser, so look out for him if you visit!

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