Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Atmospheric Watercolours : Selling Out Internationally

Atmospheric Watercolours
Selling Out Internationally

I have recieved several emails asking me why my latest book "Atmospheric Watercolours" is  not available on USA.  I made enquiries and was told that "keeping this book in stock in USA has become a full time job!" This is great news for me but not wonderful news if you are wishing to buy my book and can't get one.  At the time of my typing this blog post there are currently only nine copies of "Atmospheric Watercolours" left available on  in UK  too.

If anyone would like a copy there are several stockists who can help. The Book are selling my book at a reasonable price with free shipping worldwide. You can buy a copy from them via this link

I am sure it will be in stock with Amazon very soon too. I can't begin to describe how wonderful it is to hear that the passion I poured into writing "Atmospheric Watercolours" is being appreciated and loved all over the world. Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to send me such wonderful emails about "Atmospheric Watcerolours". I have read every one and feel overwhelmed by the kindness in each message. I adore working in watercolour and my only goal from writing and sharing is to ensure everyone who wishes to use this fabulous medium enjoys it as much as I do. And I will be working even harder on my next book, I promise!

I will be signing book at Patchings in UK this year and on my USA tour in Autumn. 

For now, if you haven't a copy of my latest book and wish to buy one stocks are running low so please buy while you can.


1 comment:

  1. That's because we are all telling our friends about this great new book we got. We loan them out (briefly). And at least 2 of us in Oklahoma had a free class to show some parts of your videos and 16 people came to watch & try out. We were shocked. That's as many as we get for a regular workshop.
    Lois in Broken Arrow, OK


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