Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Wisteria in Watercolour 2013

Wisteria in Watercolour

The front of our cottage is now covered in wonderfu wisteria flowers. I adore this time of yea and  wait eagerly for the front of our home to be adorned with  these stunning purple and lilac forms. They are so artistic that I find myself simply watching them for housr rather than racing for my brushes.

You will find these flowers and the techniques used to create them in my latest book "Atmospheric Watercolours"

Wisteria from my garden,photograph taken  this morning.

Artist tip for the day : Don't be in a race to complete a finished painting. Try playing with a scrap of paper capturing the exact shades that you see in a subject. Then work out colour combinations to make that shade even more exciting. 

Don't forget to admire the beauty of nature every day as it changes so quickly with the seasons,weather conditions and light.


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