Monday 7 December 2015

Silent Night

"Silent Night"
From my book "Colour and Light in Watercolour

How crazily busy life can be.  I have so much news that I would love to share and so many messages to reply to but I am still working very hard on my new book. It will be launched next year and is at the stage where the lay out and design is taking shape with my text and images. There are so many decisions to make right now on this new publication and this it is very time consuming. Why I always find myself doing this book writing stage when Christmas is weeks away baffles me. But here I am yet again working very hard !

Actually this year I have worked unbelievably on not one, but three books. I started the year signing off the final proof of "World of Watercolour" and the new updated version of "Colour and Light in Watercolour" was also almost complete but not quite.  My new book which will be launched next year hasn't really all been written this year though. It was born as an idea a while ago. It lay as a seed waiting to grow and oh my, how it has grown over the last twelve to eighteen months. It is looking beautiful now but it is really beginning to take over my life. I eat, sleep and constantly dream about it. For example I had thought about taking a tea break at three this afternoon to join my husband so we could enjoy looking at the Christmas decorations we had both put up earlier. But it is now six in the evening so my mid afternoon break has managed to disappear. As it often does.

I am writing each new chapter though as if it is a Christmas gift. One that brings joy and more importantly a fantastic peaceful feeling with it. This time of year should be just that. 


A time when we think of others more than ourselves and ways to make them happy. Good old fashioned values of loving thy neighbour and doing unto others as you would do unto yourself seem to have almost vanished when you hear the news. But my heart is a simple one. And my desires are simple too. I just want everyone to love each other and be happy. And my aim in life is to do just that.

Make others happy.

So whatever you are doing I hope you have a fabulous Christmas Season and I hope you and all around you are happy too.

God Bless.



okielois said...

This is beautiful.
I read that England had floods. I hope you weren't in a flooded area.

Nancy Boyle said...

Thank you for all you do to teach and inspire! I am using the brush I got from you in Venice FL. Best wishes Nancy