Yellow Roses from my cottage garden.
I can't! I'm not ready! Don't make me!
I can't let go of Summer and neither can the roses in my garden that are flowering furiously now that the warmer days are coming to an end. I have pink, red, white and yellow roses all in bloom and I feel I must paint them before its' too late. Winter is fast approaching, cooler nights are here and the scenery will soon be very different in my cottage garden.
I am absolutely loving painting these blooms because their heady perfume is now filling my art studio. I picked a few to paint and have been admiring their beauty all afternoon. They open to beautifully interesting centres. They start out as bright yellow buds and the central petals seem to stay quite deep in colour. But as the flower opens gradually the outer petals seem to lose their vibrancy. These become almost transparent.
My favourite in the "bunch" of my painting is seen below.
Yellow Rose, close up.
To paint anything as a subject we first have to sit and study it learning about its' shape, colour and form which is what I have written about in my new book. So today I listened to my own teachings. I sat and looked, I learnt doing so and I aimed to capture what I felt inside when I created this piece. It isn't complete yet as I will add more detail and information before I can honestly say my work is done. Below you can see the roses minus the centre detail and extra stems supporting the flowers.
Yellow roses as a work in progress.
I have so many people tell me that they think they would never be able to paint well. That isn't true. We can all do anything we wish to do if we try hard enough or have true determination to succeed. Practise and a willing spirit will help you become any level of artist you wish to be.
But for me?
I feel each time I pick up my brush I learn something new and I never want to feel any different!
The roses are beckoning me. I need to work on them further!
Final note. I always think of the song " Yellow Rose of Texas" when I paint yellow roses and oddly enough I have just had a request to hold workshops there in the future. So I may be returning to Texas in 2019. How neat is that!
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