Monday, 20 January 2020

Hope 2020

Snowdrops 2020

Whenever I see the first snowdrops each year they give me hope of what is to come.  They always seem to bloom just when winter is at its' worst, with cold grey days needing some cheer. I know these tiny white flowers will soon be followed by clusters of cheerful yellow daffodils in my garden which will lead me into early Summer flowers full of vibrant colour.

Maybe we need the dull days to help us enjoy the sunny ones far more. As in, perhaps, we need those days when our paintings don't go as we expected. Those times really make us appreciate when our artistic ideas work!

We all have down days. But how we deal with them is the difference to their effect on us.

I've been walking our two puppies daily but I must confess when the sun shines I find my walks far more enjoyable. But those long walks in the cold wake my brain up so much more! That is my positive attitude for,  and thoughts about,  cold weather.

I wandered to the woodland section at the foot of our garden recently and discovered the first of our snowdrops blooming. Just a few but they were there and I raced into my studio to paint them. I found myself getting quite botanical with this composition but perhaps as I am tidying my home and studio with an annual spring clean my " tidy persona" is getting the better of me in my art.

Well I started this blog post with the word "hope" so I will close it with a wish that I hope whatever you wish to achieve in 2020 will not only be achieved but better than how you expected it to be.

Keep hoping positive thoughts, dreaming impossible dreams and looking ahead to bright fantastic days. Making them happen!

Happy painting
