Thursday, 4 May 2017

Just a Blob ? Look again!

I See Faces

 I often describe how at the end of each painting session I like to paint something just for fun to unwind. I often do this at the end of my workshops as well. If there is time and admittedly if I am not too exhausted! Today I looked at the colours left on my palette from painting my series of owls in watercolour. I placed a little "blob" of this colour on a scrap of paper to test it for freshness. It looked pretty good and I knew I had the right shade for creating feather work in the morning on a particular painting that is a work in progress. But as the blob started to dry a face appeared. Okay, maybe I am nuts but I could see the beginning of a face. Honestly!  As this paper is aimed at the bin, I have nothing to lose. Painting faces this way used to be regular way of working for me. In fact my portraits like created like this became so popular when I lived in Dubai and became collectible . They also sold very well in galleries who represented me.

But back to today's blob! Seen below. Can you see a face? Look again if you can't.

 Can you see a profile view of a face in this blob of colour?

To show you how I see the profile view of a face I have added darks to the "blob"
Now look at the second image below and see if you can see a face appearing.

 A face is definitely appearing now in the first "blob" of colour.

Maybe my workshops in New Orleans next year are playing on my mind because a jazz player leapt into my mind. Okay so there is no musical instrument yet but that missing item can be solved as a problem by adding hints of it!

Can you see a face in the drying shape seen below now?

 Jazz player appearing in the blob shape of colour. I love it when this happens!

 There is now a problem. I have never seen a boring jazz player that just simply stands still while playing in a band. I needed movement so some additional brushwork could make this musician leap to life a little more.

See my image below.

Life, energy and movement in my appearing jazz musician

This painting took me only a few minutes and when this wash is dry I intend to add a few details to complete my work but I love the freshness and energy in the unfinished painting.  Seen above.

I loved adding the hand, imagining the fingers moving, controlling the sounds being played.

What a great way to close my day.

Now go back and look at the first " blob" of colour in this blog post and see if your imagination can work out how I saw the face appearing at that stage.

But even more excitingly. Why not paint a few blobs of your own and turn them into animals, flowers or people. Have fun and improve your art.

And if you are able, join me in New Orleans to have a go at following my above exercise! Its easier with a real demonstration to follow.


For information on my exciting New Orleans workshops in 2018 please email me on



a woman who is said...


Be-SOS said...

I did not see the face until the 3rd watercolour!!! :-(