Sunday, 1 August 2010

Heavenly White

Heavenly Cosmos Petals

Following painting the foxgloves yesterday working with their negative shapes to create an illusion of the flowers I couldn't resist exploring the extreme opposite in this afternoons session.

The foxgloves were tall and elegnat. Although the many individual flowers on each stem hung in bell like forms altogether they seemed quite compact in places. Quite solid. I felt like moving to  a subject that easily moved with the softest of in the breezes . A flower more transparent in its delicacy. Constantly jumping from one contrasting subject to another keeps my mind very active and my imagination alert to  new colour combinations and techniques.

And so I found myself studying how  a  large group of cosmos flowers in my garden almost merge into each other. From a distance it is almost impossible to work out where one flower ends and another starts. It's a magical flow of white from one petal to another. So how to create this ethereal image?  I have simply allowed colour to run around circular sections of dry paper without the use of masking fluid so that some edges can be soft and others more defined.

So far Winsor Violet,Cerulean Blue and Cadmium Yellow are creating all the colour I need for an angelic heavenly white scene. It seems perfect for a Sunday. Peaceful,serene and thought provoking in that it lulls the viewer into a calm place of mind.

A wonderful way to end a hectic week and face a new one!



Anonymous said...

this is perfect for a Sunday. Can't wait to see the rest of it.
peace n abundance

Unknown said...

Absolutely wonderful