Monday, 16 March 2015

Spring, Glorious Spring : Primroses 2015

  Primroses. Work in progress

Having seen so many wonderful paintings at the Woking Art Society whilst on the selection panel this morning I couldn't wait to race home to my studio to paint. Dotted along country lanes, beautiful creamy primroses are in full flower at the moment and its' impossible to ignore their beauty.

I knew I would be painting them the minute I could get into my studio and I was!

I am working from life but as its' raining outside, on and off, this afternoon I have had to give in and  surrender to the warmth of my studio. 

Standing Out From the Crowd

Following on from my earlier blog post about being on the exhibition selection panel. Think about submitting to an exhibition and take on board this train of thought. Lets' imagine that there are several artists that you know who are submitting a similar subject to yours. How could you make your painting stand out from the crowd?

One of the easiest ways to be unique is by simple colour combinations. For example look at the two paintings of primroses below. One painting has the more expected yellow and green colour combination with a hint of a blue sky in the upper background. This is more accurate in that I am painting what I see directly. But think about that for a minute. So is everyone else!

The expected and the subtle not quite so expected!

My other painting has a touch of Opera Rose in the background. Now I know I'm not seeing pink when I look at the primroses in my garden but I want my painting results to be unique! Simple changes, can make all the difference, no matter how small they may be.

 Think about how you can make your work stand out from the crowd and have fun doing so.

And if you are submitting to any art shows this year, please don't worry or be down hearted if you are not selected. Sometimes selection  really is all about wall space or too many paintings of the same subject being handed in.  Or maybe you do need to improve your skills but doesn't everyone? We all keep improving. Thats' what makes painting so exciting, having a goal to aim for.  Finally, enjoy painting and do your best by painting in a way that makes YOU happy. Because at the end of the day you are your best judge! Trust me!


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