Simple Quick Portrait Study
May Workshops 2014
What a week. I feel as though it has been months since I was posting an entry on my blog. I am so sorry it has fallen quiet here!
I have been really busy as I have a Summer Exhibition opening at the Dogs in Art Gallery in Stockbridge on 15th June. Paintings needed to be collected from the framers, measured,priced and the catalogue needed completing. This had to be done before the end of this week when my collection was due to be delivered to the gallery in time to be hung for the show.
Last week saw my May Watercolour Workshops take place and the days have flown by as each session was wonderful. Artists from USA (Alene and Roxy ) , Canada ( Rosalie ) Demark ( Karen ) South Africa ( David ) and Sweden attended my sessions as well as artists booked from UK. The week started with my Opening Doors session which is designed especially for anyone who has never attended my courses before. I am finding that so many wonderful returning artists now know when my workshop dates are available each year, so they book places very quickly. This ,of course, is fantastic but not if you are new to me and would like to book a place only to find my workshops are always fully booked well in advance.
Booking Tip:If you would like a place on an "Opening Doors" session in 2015 please email me now so that your name can go on my contact list for advance details.

Wisteria from my garden
On Wednesday I held my "Fabulous Florals" workshop and wow , was it FABULOUS! The work created during the day was incredible. We all seemed to be on fire with sparks flying off our brushes. The venue was full of flowers for inspiration, the positive exercises really inspired everyone and by the afternoon you could hear a pin drop as the focus was totally on painting. I loved it and was thrilled with the day, as was everyone who spoke to me at the close of the session.
Yes, this WILL be repeated in 2015! Again please email me if you would like to be on my contact list for next year.
Wisteria Whispers
There is a beautiful watercolour of wisteria in my next exhibition at the Dogs in Art Gallery in Stockbridge
You can read more about the show via this link
Thursday and Friday saw my annual two day "Fur and Feathers" workshop. What a brilliant course that was. The included visit to the farm at the end of the first day was exciting and we were lucky as the sun shone for us after a pretty rainy day until then. The enthusiasm as we started the Friday session was touchable and the work at the end of the day was incredible.
Some stunning frameable painting too, all unique!
Hare appearing from a simple workshop demonstration
I genuinely loved every minute teaching this week. I honestly loved everyone who attended and look forward to seeing you all again in the future. To read the emails that are now coming in from everyone, letting me know just how much they enjoyed the courses is quite emotional. I do put a lot of time, effort and planning into each of my workshops which are desgned to inspire, motivate and encourage on a very personal level. They are hard work to organise but they are so worth every second put into them.
As I mentioned last week. The workshops next year are going to be unique and yes, there are fantastc new ones that I would like to be on yet alone teach!
I will be putting the 2015 Watercolour Workshop schedule together in August and dates will be released in September this year.
To be on my workshop email list please contact me on
My next workshops in UK take place in July and they are fully booked as are all of my courses this year BUT the good news is the plans for next year along with my new book launch are looking out of this world. I'm pretty excited about them already!
Thank you to everyone who came on my workshops last week for your great company, fabulous enthusiasm , brilliant watercolours and for adding to the superb atmosphere.
See you again in the future! Happy painting all.
So cool! I just can't do this sort of painting myself. Envious!
Saw you at Patchings today. Truly insprational!
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