Friday, 23 March 2018

Lambs Tails in Watercolour : A Simple Walk

 "Shaking Tails"

Today the sun shone and as I have been working non stop I decided to go for a short walk. From my studio window I can see catkins nearby blowing in the breeze. The tree opposite my studio is literally covered in these spring blossoms. In fact, have never seen so many tails hanging on individual branches. And they became fascinating to me as a subject to paint.

I stood under the tree looking upwards realising, in sections above me, twigs and branches were completely out of sight due to the heavy dangling catkins which I call "lambs tails" and have done since I was a child. I picked a branch that was within reach and carried it back to my studio as "treasure".

My first painting above started from a simple wash of Daniel Smith Walnut Ink, with water forming patterns which I could then add the catkins to. Similar to the waterfall wash described as a technique in my book "Paint Yourself Calm". Painting waterfall washes is incredibly relaxing and they can be used as a foundation for all kinds of subjects. This kind of wash certainly worked very well for my catkins seen above.

But while I was painting the sight I had just witnessed by looking up, my eyes were drawn to a few branches that just had one or two catkins on, swaying in the breeze. These I began to capture as seen below. This is an unfinished painting but it will have as much depth and interest as the above painting when it is finished with possibly a simpler composition.

"Catkins in the Breeze"

I have had the best week possible painting to my hearts' content. I have a new book to work on but for now my projects are all for me, Exploring colour, improving techniques and having a ball.

I so love my life.

It is amazing how a simple walk can lead you in a new direction. And now I will  be wondering what I will see next when I take a scenic route tomorrow.

 Happy painting!


Artists tip of the day?

Don't just paint. Get out and see things to gain new ideas and inspiration. A break away from your studio or painting space makes you eager to return. So it is never wasted time!


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